360 degree Marketing

360 degree Marketing

Because of the digital age we are in, it’s important to hit customers from every angle. You have to go the extra mile to stand out. In doing so, you can look forward to a better return on your investment because you’re not wasting time on the wrong leads and instead nurturing targeted customers in a way that creates raving fans.

Here are some of the ways a 360-degree marketing campaign can be used within a company:

  • When a company is known in one market but wants to reposition itself into a new market
  • To get the word out about the rebranding of a company
  • To prioritize the cornerstone campaigns over less important campaigns
  • To revive poor-performing products, especially if the company hasn’t focused on marketing that product in a while
  • To build a brand image for start-ups
  • To market a new product or service

The holistic marketing concept is based on the philosophy of holism, which can be summarized with a single thought of Aristotle’s: ‘’The whole is more than the sum of its parts’’.

Customers expect a personalized, tailored experience that speaks directly to their needs. At the same time, marketers must avoid looking through a campaign-only lens since customers don’t interact with brands through a single method or channel.

Marketers must understand specific interactions in the customer’s entire journey and focus on a complete experience, not a point-in-time campaign.

One way to better understand your user experience is to create a customer journey map. A customer journey map is a visual representation of how a customer acts, thinks, and feels through the buying process and can be a valuable tool for creating a cohesive experience.

If a business implements the holistic marketing concept correctly, it greatly contributes to four very important things:

• Brand building

By providing top-notch customer service, the business that uses this strategy ensures that its customers are happy with the company and have nice things to say about it.

They’re helping the business build their brand by telling their friends about it, and writing positive reviews and comments online.

• Consistency

Since the goal of the holistic marketing concept is to make sure that the entirety of the business and all of its parts are sending a unified message to the customers, it helps maintain the consistency of the business, which matters a lot if you want to remain in the market.

Customers aren’t very fond of changes, so consistency is everything.

• Efficiency

The holistic marketing approach greatly helps increase the efficiency of a business since all parts of it are on the same track, therefore the communication between them is easier, which saves time.

• Effectiveness

Creating a great customer experience and brand building are long term goals, which allows the business to focus on a few big things, instead of dozens of smaller ones, which increases the effectiveness of this strategy.

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